Berkeley Global and the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers are thrilled to kick off a new, collaborative series of events welcoming professors and industry experts in an engaging online panel format.
For the first event we will welcome four marketing experts for an online panel discussion about the impact of COVID-19 on business and the opportunities for the future of marketing. The Spring of 2020 will have a lasting impact, both in our memory and in the world at large. As the Coronavirus may trigger a new global era, what changes can we expect to see? What will change for good?
Depending on how long the pandemic lasts, and how severe its impact, long-term changes are likely. Many companies in the world are facing a business collapse and will need a plan to rebuild their foundation. Consumers may not return to their old behavioral patterns, and managers might have to adapt their vision as they face a new paradigm. Marketing can help companies to find the way.
While searching for a new vision for global business, marketing plays a central role in creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, partners and society at large (American Marketing Association). Marketing can shape and drive the success of companies in this uncertain future; however, the profession itself needs a reset (Adetem Manifesto for Marketing of the Future, 2020). Developing this vision of sustainable marketing will require a significant evolution of the marketer’s role, mindset, competences and methods.
Video Recap
Date, Time and Location
Friday, April 10, 2020
09:00–10:15 am (Pacific Standard Time)
18:00–19:15 pm (Central European Time)
This event will be delivered online via Zoom. Access information will be shared via EventBrite notifications. If you do not receive the Zoom access information, please contact us via the EventBrite app.
09:00 am (Pacific Time) / 18:00 pm (Central European Time)
10 minutes: Welcome Speeches
45 minutes: Panel Discussion with Moderator
15 minutes: Q&A with Audience
5 minutes: Final Remarks and Closing
10:15 am (Pacific Time) / 19:15 pm (Paris Time)
Maria Gianotti, Director of Demand Generation, Vibes; President, American Marketing Association San Francisco.
Ming Hsu, Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley; William Halford Jr. Family Chair in Marketing.
Jean-Michel Raicovitch, Professor and Chair of Marketing, Cnam; Co-President, ADETEM - French Marketing Association.
Nawfal Slimati, Head of Strategy & Marketing, France & Western Europe - Siemens.
Dr. Frederick T. Wehrle, Assistant Dean for Academic Design and Innovation, UC Berkeley Extension