Chances are, you’ve thought about learning a foreign language before. Did you know ... The benefits of bilingualism include improved cognitive skills and reduced risk of dementia. The annual...
UC Berkeley Extension’s Professional Program in the Study of Loss and Grief helps current therapists and those interested in becoming counselors understand current issues in the field.
Sure, you could learn about biochemistry or stem cell research by reading a book, attending class lectures and the like, but how does that apply to what you'll be faced with in the real world?
National Novel Writing Month is a literary event in which writers pen a 50,000-word novel during the month of November—and it can be one of the most exciting challenges a writer can undertake.
Instructor Kelly Gearhart didn't follow a typical career path to become a green-building company owner, expert and educator.
As technology becomes more sophisticated, user experience has incorporated touch and sound, with virtual reality lurking on the horizon.
In his finance days, Young Kang would feel a surge of pride every time his clients were on the path to meeting their financial goals. But he wanted to do so much more for them.
As a leading cybersecurity consultant, Jenelle Davis has helped protect more than 60 Fortune 500 organizations from a host of online threats.
Dr. H. Westley Clark, executive professor of public health at Santa Clara University and former director of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment in Washington, DC, addresses prescription...
Across four continents and in over 21 countries, more than 400 million people worldwide speak Spanish as their native language. In the United States alone, by 2060 the number of Latinos living...
When you skim through the course evaluations for Richard Sprott, Ph.D., you see phrases such as "great course, great teacher." He's "fantastic." He is "an amazing lecturer who made going to class...
The U.S. is just one of the 65 countries and territories with active Zika virus transmission.
Ensuring that a conference is successful isn't just about getting the word out to fill seats. It's also not just about putting together a series of panels or events to draw in the crowd.
Šárka Volejníková is helping to turn run-down Hilltop Park in San Francisco's Bayview District into a vibrant center for the neighborhood and nature. This UC Berkeley Extension instructor works at...
"My knowledge of the disease of substance abuse disorders was limited, especially regarding the aspects of how it affected my brain's neurological system, my liver enzymes, my lungs and all my...
Take a moment and think back to your high school days. Imagine: maybe you're busy with sports, clubs and academics, not to mention studying for your SATs or ACTs. Do you remember how you ended up...
For the past five years, David Druml has shared his expertise with UC Berkeley Extension students in the Construction Enterprise Risk Management course.
For 22 years, Vincent Scarlata had a successful career as a business analyst at a San Francisco financial services firm. But a sudden staff reduction meant new skills.
Now in the thick of University of San Francisco's M.F.A. in Writing, post-bacc writing grad Rose Heredia reflects on the good preparation for graduate school that she received at Extension.
You'd think writers would excel at filling out graduate school applications and submitting personal essays, right? Even if your writing chops are top-notch, you'll want to make sure you are fully...